Menyaksikan film ini sungguh sebuah pengalaman yang menyenangkan sekaligus tidak menyenangkan. Menyenangkan karena film ini benar – benar sebuah film yang bagus dari semua segi, mulai dari cerita, penyutradaraan, acting pemain sampai dengan sinematografinya. Di sisi lain film ini menimbulkan efek yang tidak menyenangkan bahkan cenderung mengerikan dengan apa yang disajikan.
Film ini benar – benar menampilkan horor dalam arti yang sebenarnya. Apa yang dihadirkan di layer begitu menekan perasaan dan pikiran. Untung saya melihatnya lewat DVD, jadi ketika perasaan begitu tertekan film bisa kita pause untuk sejenak mencari udara segar. Film menjadi lebih terasa menyesakkan ketika kita mendengarkan lewat head phone, sehingga suara bisa tertangkap lebih detail.
Mengambil setting cerita di Rumania tahun 1987, dimana pada saat itu komunis berkuasa. Film ini menceritakan usaha Otilla (Anamaria Marinca ) dalam membantu temannya Gaby ( Laura Vasiliu ) dalam melakukan aborsi. Aborsi pada saat itu sangat dilarang, seperti halnya penggunaan alat kontrasepsi, dan pelakunya bisa diancam dengan hukuman penjara. Sepanjang durasi film, kita diajak untuk melihat “kiprah” Otilla demi menyukseskan pilihan temannya tersebut.
Seperti disebutkan tadi, film ini begitu menyesakkkan dan membuat frustasi. Sejak awal kita disuguhi dengan scene – scene dalam durasi yang cukup panjang dan monoton dalam sebuah ruang sempit dan kelam. Mendengar kata aborsi saja sudah mengerikan, apalagi ditambah dengan situasi tadi. Gaya bertutur film ini mengingatkan kita pada film Elephant arahan Gus Van Sant yang juga berjaya di Festival Film Cannes.
Sebagai sutradara, Cristian Mungiu tahu benar bagaimana menghadirkan suasana ngeri sekaligus menyesakkan. Disamping banyaknya penggunaan ruang-ruang sempit dan cahaya minimalis ( sekaligus realis ), penggunaan efek suara juga mempertajam suasana menyesakkan tadi. Belum lagi ketika proses aborsi telah dimulai. Film ini juga makin kelam berkat tidak adanya iringan musik dalam film ini, kecuali musik di acara perkawinan. Sutradara lebih mengandalkan suara latar semacam langkah kaki, suara air keran atau suara orang bercakap – cakap dala membangun suasana yang depresif. Bahkan, suara sobekan kertas sekalipun mampu secara efektif membangun suasana miris.
Hebatnya, walau menggunakan pendekatan yang minimalis sekaligus kelam, sutradara mampu menghadirkan tontonan yang mampu membuat penonton bertahan untuk mengikuti sampai akhir cerita. Kita dibuat penasaran apa yang akan terjadi pada nasib kedua gadis dalam film ini. Pantas saja kalau film ini banyak menjadi favorit para kritikus film dan menang Golden Palm di ajang Festival Film Cannes 2007.
Sekalipun bercerita tentang aborsi, sebenarnya film ini tidak menggunakan aborsi sebagai tema besar. Film ini lebih kepada memberikan gambaran bagaimana para kaum muda menyelesaikan masalah yang menimpa pada diri mereka. Bagaimana mereka memilih solusi. Hal ini diperkuat dengan kenyataan bahwa awalnya film ini akan diberi judul ‘Tales from the Golden Age’.
Film ini berusaha untuk tidak menghakimi pilihan yang diambil oleh tokoh – tokoh yang ada, dan lebih mengajak kita untuk memahami ( memperingatkan ) bahwa segala pilihan yang kita ambil ada resikonya. It’s all about choices dan bagaimana kita mempertanggungjawabkannya. 4,5/5
To see this film is really pleasant experience and unpleasant experience at once. Pleasant because the film is magnificent in all sides, from the story, directing, the acting and the cinematography. On the other side the film is make the terrible effect even scary.
The film is show the horror in the real way. What is about to show is so depress the mind and feeling. Luckily that I saw the film on DVD, so when the depress feeling come I can pause it to looking some fresh air. The film will felt more depress when we are listening trough head phone. So the detail will catch clearly.
Taking the set in Rumania at year of 1987 where the communism is take charge. The film is telling Otilla's (Anamaria Marinca) aim to help her friend Gaby (Laura Vasiliu) to aborted her pregnant. The abortion on that time is so forbidden like the usage of contraception and the subject could be threatening caught and jailed. A long duration of the film, we are taking to see Otilla's action to success her friend's choice.
As I said that the film is so stressing and depressing. Since the beginning we will see the scenes in the long and monotonous duration in a dark tight room. Hearing the abortion is scary instead in such situation. The style of the film is remind us on film Elephant directing by Gus Van Sant that had glory in Cannes Film Festival.
As the director, Christian Mungiu is knowing better how to present the depress and scary situation. Beside a lot usage of tights and minimal lighting (realistic), the sound FX is sharpen the stressing situation. Instead when the abortion is begin. It's getting darker when there is no music on this film, except on the wedding scene. The director is count on the atmosphere's sound like foot step, water drop, and talking people to build the depressing situation. Even, the sound of a ripped paper is effectively build the ripped situation.
Though the director is using the minimal and dark closure on the film he can make the audience to stay and follow till the end of the film. It is make us wonder what would happened to the both girls on the film. No wonder if this film is becoming the film critics favorite and winning the Golden Palm in Cannes Film Festival 2007.
The film is using the abortion as the big theme. The film is giving more picture how the teen is solving their problem they have. How did they choose a solution. This is powered by the fact that the film is gonna use 'Tales from the Golden Age' previously.
This film is trying to judge the choice that taken by the characters and to take us to understand ,ore if the choice we have got its own risk. It's all about choices and how we can make the responsibility on it. 4,5/5
The film is show the horror in the real way. What is about to show is so depress the mind and feeling. Luckily that I saw the film on DVD, so when the depress feeling come I can pause it to looking some fresh air. The film will felt more depress when we are listening trough head phone. So the detail will catch clearly.
Taking the set in Rumania at year of 1987 where the communism is take charge. The film is telling Otilla's (Anamaria Marinca) aim to help her friend Gaby (Laura Vasiliu) to aborted her pregnant. The abortion on that time is so forbidden like the usage of contraception and the subject could be threatening caught and jailed. A long duration of the film, we are taking to see Otilla's action to success her friend's choice.
As I said that the film is so stressing and depressing. Since the beginning we will see the scenes in the long and monotonous duration in a dark tight room. Hearing the abortion is scary instead in such situation. The style of the film is remind us on film Elephant directing by Gus Van Sant that had glory in Cannes Film Festival.
As the director, Christian Mungiu is knowing better how to present the depress and scary situation. Beside a lot usage of tights and minimal lighting (realistic), the sound FX is sharpen the stressing situation. Instead when the abortion is begin. It's getting darker when there is no music on this film, except on the wedding scene. The director is count on the atmosphere's sound like foot step, water drop, and talking people to build the depressing situation. Even, the sound of a ripped paper is effectively build the ripped situation.
Though the director is using the minimal and dark closure on the film he can make the audience to stay and follow till the end of the film. It is make us wonder what would happened to the both girls on the film. No wonder if this film is becoming the film critics favorite and winning the Golden Palm in Cannes Film Festival 2007.
The film is using the abortion as the big theme. The film is giving more picture how the teen is solving their problem they have. How did they choose a solution. This is powered by the fact that the film is gonna use 'Tales from the Golden Age' previously.
This film is trying to judge the choice that taken by the characters and to take us to understand ,ore if the choice we have got its own risk. It's all about choices and how we can make the responsibility on it. 4,5/5
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